Legal Notice

Legal Notice

The website that incorporates this LEGAL NOTICE, belongs to HCRC RENEWABLE & POWER CONSULTANT SL, Registered in: Madrid Mercantile Registry, Volume 41.919, Folio 40, Page M-742283 of the file of the general section of companies, dated May 24, 2021; with address: Calle Villafuerte 21,7B, Madrid, 28041, NIF: B-06804298 and email:


HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, makes this website available to all people, with the aim of informing about our services, who we are and the terms and conditions of its operation. The use and navigation by any person on this website attributes to it the condition of user, which implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of that page, published in this Legal Notice.

Users have the duty not to use this website, or the information published on it for illicit purposes or effects, contrary to these terms of use, with harmful effects on the rights or interests of third parties or that in any other way may damage , disable, overload or deteriorate this website or the information contained therein; HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, does not guarantee that the contents are accurate or error-free or that the free use of the same by the user does not infringe the rights of third parties. The use of this website and its contents will be the responsibility of the user.

HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, communicates that, without its prior authorization, the copying, retransmission, reproduction, assignment or redistribution, total or partial, of the information contained in the Page, whatever its purpose and the means used for it.

The provision of the services on this website is free of charge, without prior subscription or registration being required.

The use of users' personal information will be governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy.


This website has links, banners, shortcuts or search tools, among others, that allow users to access other websites owned and / or managed by third parties. In this sense, HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, does not offer or market by itself or through third parties the services available on the linked websites, nor does it control or supervise the products, Therefore, HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, declines any responsibility regarding the information found outside this website, as well as that which is not managed directly by HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL.

Users interested in establishing a link or performing any type of action on this website and its content must request prior authorization from HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL. Any other use, transmission or transfer to third parties, communication or dissemination of the contents, total or partial, public or private, is prohibited. HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, reserves the right to exercise civil and criminal legal actions to demand compliance with this clause and claim for damages.


This WEB in its entirety, including without limitation, trademarks, logos, trade names, text, images, graphics, buttons, software files, color combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, designs, sounds , databases, flow charts, audio and video presentations, belong to HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL. In no case does the access of the users to this website imply by HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, the owners of the contents, any type of waiver, transmission, license or total or partial transfer of said rights, unless established expressly otherwise.


HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, will not be directly responsible, nor complementary, nor will it be, in any case, responsible for damages that may arise from:

  • The quality of the service, the speed of access, the correct operation, nor the availability, nor continuity of operation of this website.
  • The interruption in the operation of this page or computer failures, telephone breakdowns, disconnections, delays or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads in the telephone lines, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems produced in the course of its operation.
  • The vices and defects of all kinds of the content transmitted, disseminated, stored or made available.
  • The legitimacy, reliability, usefulness of the content that users transmit with the use of this website or the services offered on it, as well as their loyalty. HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, will not be responsible in any case for the use that users and / or third parties may make of this website, nor for the damages that may arise from it.

By way of example and without limitation, the user will be responsible for:

  • Of the content entered by them, especially the data and information entered and sent to HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, through this website.
  • Of the realization of any type of illegal action, harmful to rights, harmful and / or harmful.
  • Of the provision of untrue or incorrect data.
  • Determine what services and / or content are not appropriate for minors. HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, informs that there are computer programs that allow filtering and blocking access to certain content and services not recommended for minors.

HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, does not guarantee that this website is free of viruses, or other harmful computer elements, malware, introduced by third parties outside the group, which may cause alterations in the hardware or software of the users or in documents and files stored in its digital systems, and will in no way be responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the presence of viruses or other elements that may cause alterations in said elements.

HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, has implemented protection measures so that this website and the content hosted on it remain protected against third-party computer attacks. However, HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, does not guarantee that unauthorized third parties can have access to this website through mechanisms normally used by the user, nor the conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which such use is made. Consequently, HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, will not be in any way responsible for any damages that may arise from said unauthorized access.

The contents of this website belong exclusively to HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, and are offered in good faith and with the best professional quality standards. However, HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, excludes itself from any type of responsibility for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of veracity, accuracy, completeness and / or timeliness of the published content.


This Legal Notice is written in Spanish and subject to current Spanish legislation. For any type of controversy derived from the use of the services offered or the contents of the website, the parties, with the acceptance of the clauses established in this Legal Notice, will submit to the competent Courts and Tribunals of Madrid. If any of the clauses described in the Legal Notice were declared null and void, the rest will continue to apply, without being affected by the declaration of nullity.


HCRC Renewable & Power Consultant SL, reserves the right to change, alter, eliminate or modify this Legal Notice and the terms of use of the page contained therein, always in accordance with the terms allowed by current Spanish legislation and with the corresponding communication to users, through publication on this website or by any other means of communication or dissemination that is deemed appropriate.

Legal Notice updated on June 1, 2021.